Nous commençons cette pizza avec un pesto, suivi de mozzarella, d'oignons caramélisés et de fromage de chèvre parce qu'il n'y a jamais assez de fromage, garnissons de roquette fraîche et nappons d'un filet de sirop balsamique.\" (220 Cals/slice - 6 slices)
* Dear Valued Guest: We take our Gluten-Friendly pasta and pizza program very seriously. Every item listed as “(GF)” on our menu is prepared using only gluten-free ingredients. However, due to the open nature of our kitchens where gluten is present, cross contamination may occur during food preparation. Therefore, our restaurants cannot claim to be gluten-free facilities and we cannot accept liability for symptoms contracted through the ingestion of gluten. We hope that you enjoy our newest, healthy offerings, and encourage you to visit us our nutrition and allergy guide above for a detailed nutritional account of all of our dishes.